Home insurance is often required when you take out a loan. But never the less, if your loaner doesn’t require home insurance, then you should still explore your options. Home insurance can keep you protected from natural disasters, theft, fires, and more. But not only does home insurance keep your dwelling protected, but I can also provide a selection of other coverage options that you didn’t know were available to you.
1) Spoiled Foods
There are few things more frustrating than losing freshly purchased groceries. In the event that your power goes off or you are experiencing a natural disaster that leaves your food spoiling on the counter or in the fridge, then your home insurance policy may have you covered. When it comes to home insurance coverage for your spoiled foods, you can restock your fridge for costs up to $500 in certain cases.
2) Spills and Accidents
Curling up with a nice glass of wine at the end of the day is a relaxing and enjoyable way to get well-deserved rest and unwind. However, if your red wine goes splashing and spilling in your home, your home insurance policy may cover the costs associated with replacing furniture or cleaning your home’s carpet. If you are unsure if you are home insurance covers spills and accidents then get in touch with your insurance provider to ask more questions, you just may be surprised.
3) Fallen Trees
Harsh winds and storms can cause many issues for homeowners. If a tree has fallen on your property damages your home or other parts of your personal property, then your home insurance may cover the cost of damages. If however, your home insurance does not cover the cost of damages from fallen trees, then check your auto insurance policy. Auto insurance policies often times keep you protected from fallen trees that damage your vehicle.
4) New Locks
You may be surprised to see new locks on the list. If you misplace or lose your keys and you can’t get into your home, your home insurance policy may cover the expenses associated with installing new locks for your home. Coverage for your locks can put you at ease, knowing that if you make and misplace your keys, not all is not lost.
Homeowners in Devils Lake ND, Hillsboro ND, Jamestown, Valley City, West Fargo, and surrounding areas can rest easy knowing that Walsh County Mutual Insurance has your back covered when it comes to home insurance options that are not only cost-friendly but provide you with optimal coverage. Call 701-248-3231 to get a quote and start protecting yourself with the coverage that seeks to protect you.