If you have a car, then you know for sure that car insurance is mandated by law. However, many people make the mistake of just going for the basic insurance policies that they get along with the car. Not only is this a waste of money but it will not serve you adequate protection when you are faced with an unfortunate event. An extensive car insurance policy will protect you from a number of financial stress later on. It is better to take out a little from your pocket monthly or annually, then to have to pay for a huge amount in an accident.
At Walsh County Mutual Insurance Company, we strive to provide you with the best car insurance options at the most affordable rates. Our policies include a variety of coverage options such as personal liability, collision insurance, personal injury protection, medical payments and lots more. We provide our services to Devils Lake ND, Fargo ND, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Thompson ND, Valley City, and neighboring areas. If you are from any of these areas, contact us today.
Here are some more reasons why car insurance is important:
- Third-party insurance
In the case of an accident, a third party can sue you for damages incurred to him. This can cause you lots of money in terms of legal fees, medical fees, etc. In such cases, you will be required to pay a huge amount of money from your pocket. A car insurance policy can give you protection against third party injury claims, death or any damage of property.
- Protection from natural calamities
In the event of natural calamities such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc., your car will suffer huge damage and you have to pay lots for the repair. A car insurance policy will provide you financial cover from any of these calamities.
So, if you are interested in our services, contact us today.